How Bach Flower Remedies Found Me.

My personal journey with Bach Flower Remedies is one that feels destined. I opened a wellness salon in New York City in 2000. I was open for just a few months ,when a lovely woman from Ibiza,Spain walked into my salon and shared her experience with the remedies.She encouraged me to incorporate them into my business. Overwhelmed with my start up business and seventeen employees, I quickly rejected this idea! Fast forward one year later to my second nudge toward Bach Flower Remedies. I was free diving with wild dolphins in Bimini Island in September 2001, where I met and quickly adopted an adorable couple from London.Can you guess what her specialty was? She had been working with Bach Flower Remedies for forty years. She was super knowledgable about them and strongly insisted that I look into them. Dare I say that I ignored her too! Life continued with business, love,family, travel and so on. Apparently not enough time to reflect on the wisdom of these two wise women.Leaping onward to 2013, life had shifted dramatically. My business had transformed,I was now married and my family experienced great loss. I was riding the wave of life and pretending to be okay. Three major panic attacks sent me to my doctors office for a complete checkup.After blood work and scans, he reported that there was nothing wrong with me. He reached under his desk, pulled out the Bach Flower Remedies and said I was suffering from grief. Wow!! Here they were again, but without the graceful delivery of my friends. I apparently needed to be bopped over the head with grief to understand how amazing they are. My doctor mixed several remedies for grief into a little bottle for me to take daily. He addressed the shock,trauma,fear and nostalgia of my loss. I never had a panic attack again. I immediately knew that I needed to help other people feel better,so I went back to school for my certification in Bach Flower Remedies in 2014. Today I am so grateful to be able to educate and share my knowledge of these gentle remedies with others to help them find their balance.


Addressing Grief Naturally with Bach Flower Remedies


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